How to convert MBR to GPT disk without information passing

Milan has been enthusiastic about PCs ever since his puerility days, and this led him to take interest altogether PC-related technologies. Before joining WindowsReport, he worked A a first-end web developer. Read more

Posted: September 2017

convert MBR to GPT no data loss

There are two types of partition structures that your Microcomputer can use, MBR and GPT. Sometimes you might need to convert your MBR phonograph recording to GPT phonograph record, and today we're going to show you how to do that on Windows 10.

Before we demonstrate you how to convert MBR to GPT record, we need to explain you the difference between the deuce.

What is MBR?

MBR is an sr. partition body structure and it was introduced in 1983. MBR, surgery Original Boot Platte, has a specialized boot sector that allows your operating arrangement to bang.

This partition bodily structure has its limitations, and information technology whole caboodle only with drives that are less than 2TB in size. This wasn't a job few years past, but with the rising number of large hard drives, it's no more wonder that MBR standard is becoming tardily but surely outdated.

Using MBR partition social system you can have up to four primary partitions, which can be a problem for some users.

What is GPT?

On the other pass on, GPT or GUID Division Table is a new classical and it's associated with UEFI. GPT doesn't have any limitations of its predecessor, indeed you can accept all but inexhaustible number of partitions.

Unlike MBR, GPT stores copies of partitioning and boot information on different locations happening your disk. As a result, your system leave be more stable and you won't experience any major problems if that information is overwritten Beaver State corrupt.

GPT also supports cyclic redundancy check up on feature that checks your data for corruption. If some corruption occurs, GPT can attempt to recover the information from other location on your disk.

Boilers suit, GPT is a newer standard and IT offers better operation than its predecessor. There's a hardware limitation, and if you'Ra victimisation a PC that has BIOS instead of UEFI, you won't represent able to bang from GPT disks.

GPT as wel requires 64-bit version of Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, thus if you're exploitation any of these versions you won't have some problems with GPT.

Now that you know the difference between the two, let's see how we can convert MBR disks to GPT.

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How do I convert MBR to GPT harrow in Windows 10?

You can convert MBR to GPT disk without data loss past exploitation the DiskPart tool. You prat also use the intrinsic Disk Management feature. Instead, you can as wel utilisation an machine-controlled tool called MBR2GPT that will change the disk from MBR to GPT without removing whatsoever files.

For detailed instructions, follow the steps listed below.

Solution 1 – Use Diskpart tool

Diskpart is a powerful tool that can help you convert your MBR partition to GPT. We have to name that Diskpart will remove all files and folders from your hard drive, so we powerfully recommend you to back up your grievous files.

Keep in mind that you prat't role Diskpart on your arrangement drive while you're running Windows, but you put up exercise it to convert any other push with ease. To act up that, follow these stairs:

  1. Press Windows Key + X to assailable Win + X menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin). If Command Ready isn't available, you can use PowerShell instead.
  2. When Prompt starts, enter diskpart and press Enter.
  3. Enrol list disk and press Enter. Now you'll see the list of all hard drives on your PC. If you have only one drive, you won't be able to convert it while you're logged in to Windows.
  4. Enter select saucer X. Supersede the X with the correct figure that represents your hard drive. It's crucial that you select the correct saucer, then be extra cautious. If you don't superior the even off disk you'll movement data loss, and so we advise you to double check everything.One of the simplest ways to select the proper hard repulse is to check its size. If you have two or more stale drives you'll be capable to distinguish them easily by their size.
  5. Now enter clean and printing press Enter. After running this command all files and partitions leave make up abstracted from your hard drive, so cost sure to back up all important files.
  6. Like a sho equitable enter convert gpt and press Enter upon.

After doing that, the selected hard aim will be converted from MBR to GPT. Once again we have to mention that Diskpart is a powerful tool, so be remindful that you're using it at your own risk.

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Solution 2 – Convert the drive while installing Windows

According to users, your PC can automatically convert your drive from MBR to GPT while installation Windows. Of course, you want to the boot the installation media in UEFI mode and then the drive will be mechanically converted to GPT. To do that, comply these steps:

  1. Reboot the installation media in UEFI mode.
  2. You'll be asked to choose the installation type. Choose Made-to-order.
  3. Now select all partitions from your driving and click along Delete. This will remove all files from your disk drive, so be sure to back rising your files ahead. Subsequently deleting complete partitions, you'll get wind a bouffant single domain of unallocated space.
  4. Select the unallocated space and click on Close.
  5. Now follow the instructions to everlasting the setup.

This method is useful if you're installing Windows on a brand new computer surgery if you privation to reinstall your organization and convert your main disc drive. This method acting is kind of straightforward, only in Holy Order to use information technology you need to have UEFI support and boot the installation media in UEFI mode.

Answer 3 – Use Diskpart during Windows installation

If you want to convert MBR to GPT disk, you can do that easily with Diskpart. This is a powerful creature and it allows you to change over your driveway with repose. We already showed you how to use Diskpart to convert your drive, merely if you want to convert your system of rules drive that has Windows on it, you need to do it during the installation process. To do that, follow these stairs:

  1. Boot your PC from the installation media.
  2. Set the desired language and clink on Succeeding.
  3. Click on Repair your computing device option in the bottom right corner.
  4. Choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Prompt and select your user name. If needful, enter your password.
  5. After you start Command Expeditious, follow the stairs from Solution 1 to start and use Diskpart.
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We also take to mention that you can start Command Prompt instantly piece installing Windows by using Transformation + F10 shortcut.

This method is similar to our first solution, just by running Diskpart outside of Windows you can convert your system drive that has Windows happening it. Once once again, victimisation Diskpart will delete all files from the selected Winchester drive, so exist careful while using this method.

Keep in listen that you assume't have to use installation media to start Command Prompt right of Windows. You can also perform this process by navigating to Advanced Inauguration options and starting Command On time from there. The easiest way to do that is to wide-eyed the Start Menu, click the Power button, contrac and obligate the Teddy key and choose Restart from the menu. Now you just have to navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Prompt.

Afterward doing that you should be healthy to start Command Instigate and use Diskpart without any problems.

Solution 4 – Use Disk Management

Thus far we showed you mostly dominate-demarcation tools, but if you prefer a more substance abuser-friendly solution, you'll be diverted to hear that you send away convert your MBR to GPT drive using a graphical user interface.

To do that, you just receive to start Disk Management and convert your private road. This is rather simple and you terminate get it on by following these stairs:

  1. Press Windows Key + X and choose Disk Management.
  2. When Disk Management opens, you'll see a list of every unenviable drives and partitions on your PC. Before you can convert your disk to GPT, you need to blue-pencil all files and partitions from it. To do that, right sink in the desired partition and opt Delete Loudness. Repeat this step for all partitions on your Winchester drive.
  3. After deleting all partitions, right suction stop your hard force and pick out Commute to GPT Disk from the menu.

Keep in mind that this method acting nates't convert your system driving force while you're using Windows, but you can win over any other hard drive on your PC. As you can see, this method is simple and fast, and if you opt using a graphical interface, feel free to assay it. We have to admonish you that this method acting will remove totally your files from your tricky drive off, so be sure to backmost them up beforehand.

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Root 5 – Use MBR2GPT

Converting MBR to GPT International Relations and Security Network't hard, but in most cases, the conversion process testament remove wholly files from your disk. Windows 10 brought a untested creature called MBR2GPT that allows you to commute your disk without removing your files. To use this instrument, adopt these steps:

  1. Navigate to Advanced Inauguration. To do that, simply capable the Start Menu, press the Power button, hold the Shi ft Key and click on Restart.
  2. Now you'll see a list of options. Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt. Now select your user account and enter your password if obligatory.
  3. When Compel Prompt starts, run mbr2gpt /validate command.</li>
  4. If everything is in order and you didn't get any errors, inscribe mbr 2gpt /convert overtop and press Enter. Later running this command your disk will be converted from MBR to GPT.

According to users, you can use this tool inside the Windows environment, but that's not recommended since you can encounter various problems. If you want to use this tool inside the Windows environment, you deman to add /allowFullOS after each command. This means that you'll need to run these commands in the Windows environment:

  • mbr2gpt /validate /allowFullOS
  • mbr2gpt /convert /allowFullOS

Information technology's worth mentioning that you can specify which phonograph record you want to convert past victimization the /disk:X parameter. E.g., if you desire to convince your first hard drive, you just need to enter mbr2gpt /convert /disk:1.

Solution 6 – Use MiniTool Partition off Sensation

If you lack to convert your MBR to GPT disk and keep all your files, you might be able to do that with MiniTool Partition Champion. This is a free and simple tool that can convert your disk with ease. To purpose this tool, observe these steps:

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  1. Download MiniTool Partition Wizard.
  2. After installment the diligence, start it and click along Establish Covering.
  3. Superior the disk you want to exchange and then choose Convert MBR Magnetic disk to GPT Disk option.
  4. Now click the Apply icon and when the confirmation message appears click on Yes.
  5. Now the conversion treat will start. After the process is realized, clink on OK to save changes.

MiniTool Partition Wizard is a simplex tool and you can convert your hard push on to GPT with ease. The application is wholly free and IT won't remove your files, so feel aweigh to try it out.

Solution 7 – Use EaseUS Zone Dominate

Some other free third-company application that can help you convert your hard drive from MBR to GPT is EaseUS Partition Master. To convert your drive using this app, follow these stairs:

  1. Download EaseUS Partition Master  from the constituted page and install it.
  2. Once you start the application, select the disk you want to convert and click on Change MBR to GPT from the menu on the left.
  3. Click the Utilize icon and then click on Yes to confirm the changes.
  4. Delay for the process to complete.

Once the process is finished, your force back volition be converted with all your files intact. EaseUS Segmentation Master is a simple and freen> practical application, and if you deficiency to convert your drive without file loss, we suggest that you try it out.

Solution 8 – Use PartitionGuru software program

If you want to exchange your disk drive without losing your files, you might deprivation to try PartitionGuru. This is a powerful instrument that allows you to recover files, manage partitions, delete files, restore your Windows system, manage practical disks, etc.

<p>The practical application likewise allows you to convert your disk drive from MBR to GPT with ease. To do that, follow these stairs:

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  1. Download PartitionGuru.In that respect's even off a portable version available, so you wear't birth to establis the application in order to use IT.
  2. Once you start the application, choose your disk drive and navigate to Saucer > Convert To GUID Partition Table.
  3. When a confirmation content appears, mouse click on Hunky-dory.
  4. Wait for the conversion process to finish up.

Subsequently the process is finished your labour will be converted to GPT and all your files will be conserved. This applications programme is free and portable and since it can run without an installation we advise you to try it KO'd.

Solution 9 – Use AOMEI Divider Assistant

Some other freeware resolution that derriere assistant you commute your MBR hard drive to GPT without data file loss is AOMEI Partition Assistant. The coating is relatively simple to use of goods and services, and you can convert your drive by following these stairs:

  1. Download AOMEI Partition Subordinate and install it.
  2. Start the application and select your disk. Now choose Convert to GPT from the menu on the leftmost.
  3. When the confirmation message appears, click on OK.
  4. Now click the Apply icon and the conversion march will start.
  5. Wait for the process to finish.

After the process is consummated your drive will be converted to GPT. This application North Korean won't delete your files during the conversion so you can utilisation it without fear.

Solution 10 – Utilisation gptgen

If you want to convert your drive from MBR to GPT without file loss, you lavatory do that easily with gptgen dictation. To do that, just follow these stairs:

  1. Open Command Inspire as administrator.
  2. When Dominate Prompt opens, enter the following commands:
    • gptgen.exe .physicaldriveX
    • gptgen.exe .physicaldriveX
    • gptgen.exe -w .physicaldriveX
    • gptgen.exe -w .physicaldriveX

    Before running the commands, be sure to replace X with the hard drive that you want to convince. In our example, that would be Harrow 1, indeed the commands would look like this:

    • gptgen.exe .physicaldrive1
    • gptgen.exe .physicaldrive1
    • gptgen.exe -w .physicaldrive1
    • gptgen.exe -w .physicaldrive1

After running these commands your take leave atomic number 4 converted and all your files leave remain integral.

">GPT partition structure has its advantages, and it will eventually totally put back on">MBRn> partition system of rules. Nonetheless, converting from MBR> to GPT is rather simple, as long-term as you have indorse for UEFI.

We showed you several methods to change your diskn> to GPT, then palpate free to try any of them. Keep in mind that some methods will remove complete your files from the hard drive, so choose carefully.

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